Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chapter 43 - I Don't Know What To Say

Jon, having played with the kids in the water for what felt like forever, decided he was done and needed a break.  He walks out of the water and up to his chair, where Beth is laying in the sun.  She sees him as he approaches and says, "Do you ever not look good?" And she smiles a crooked smile.

He's drying his hair, looking her up and down and says, "More than you do."   This time he smiles the crooked smile at her, while bending down to kiss her. 
She turns away, "No kissing.  I don't feel good and I don't want to get you sick." 
He doesn't stop, he plants his lips on her head, working his way to her forehead.  "It's hard to tell if you have a fever in this sun."
"Trust me, I have a fever.  I'm laying here, freezing my ass off." she runs a hand down his wet arm, loving the feel of him and the sight of him.  The sun has already kissed his face and the new color makes him look healthier than normal. 
He sits next to her on the edge of her chair and says, "Babe, go lay down in bed if you're not feeling well."  he reaches up and caresses her face "There's no point in laying out here, specially if you're cold."
She takes his hand a holds it with both of hers, "I'm fine out here.  I was watching you and the kids play, it was nice."
"I'm done in the water, go lay down." he demands, kind of.  He can see that she is a little pale and her eyes look sick.  "Go get comfortable, and let this pass."
She squeezes his hand, "Will you stop?  We're on vacation, I'm not spending it in the room."
"I don't want you to get worse."
"It's just a bug, it will pass." she tells him, with the authority that she knows what she has.  "Stop worrying."  She sits up on the chair and feels a little light headed.  "We need to eat."
"What do you want?" he asks, willing to get her whatever she wants.  He hates it when she's sick, he feels so helpless because she lets him do very little for her.
Beth slides to the edge of the chair, next to Jon, "I'm not hungry, the kids and Pete need to eat." 
Just as the words fell out of Beth's mouth, behind them she heard "There you are.  We were looking all over for you."
They both know who it is and turn to look at his mom, "Hi mom."  She walks up to them and takes one look at Beth.
"Dear, are you okay?  You look like crap." Carol says to Beth.  She puts her hand on Beth's forehead and says, "You're burning up, you need to get into bed."
Beth had just went through it with Jon, really wasn't in the mood to be doing it with Carol but she wasn't going to be told what to do.  "I'm okay, it's just a bug.  I'll be fine."
John jumps in and tells his son, "You need to get her into bed, she looks like shit son."  Beth looks at Sr. and scowls. 
"It's just the flu.  Will you all please stop?" Beth blurts out.  She has always hated people talking about her as if she want in the immediate area, and that happens a lot.  "I'm going to order dinner, have you guys eaten yet?"  She stands up and wraps with her beach towel, pulling on her shorts.  "The kids need to eat."  She goes a little weak in the knees and falls back onto her chair.  Jon jumps up, making sure that she's okay.
"Babe, are you okay?" 
She pushes him back a little, "Yes, I'm fine.  I got up to fast."  She looks up at him and he can see that she's a little pissed, but he didn't care.
He takes her by the elbow, "Come on, you're going to bed."  Pulling her up off the chair and attempting to drag her toward their room, "This is bullshit, you're going to bed."  Beth could tell that he meant business and she really didn't have the energy to argue with him.  She admitted to herself, Beth, you're sick.
Her nurseman helped her out of her bathing suit and into her pajamas, he then tucked her into the king size bed that had the nicest down comforter on it.  Her tucked her in tight and kissed her good night.  "The kids need to eat."
"I'll take care of the kids, get some rest."
"I love you and I'm sorry."
He kisses her forehead again and asks, "What are you sorry for?"
"Jon, I'm sick on Christmas vacation."  she whines a little bit.  
He laughs at her, thinking she's the only one that would apologize for it, but he knows where it comes from, "You'll be better in no time,  now get some sleep.  I'm going to wrangle the family and get some food.  Do you want or need anything?"
She shakes her head no and with one last kiss, he leaves their room and goes to take care of what they needed to. 
Jon had spent so much time taking care of Beth, that when he went back out onto the beach the kids and Pete were gone.  He seen his mom and dad sitting there and asked, "Where are the kids?"  He looks around, doesn't see them anywhere.
Jon's mom answers him with, "Pete took them into town for some lunch.  Beth said they needed to eat, so I sent them to eat.  They won't be long."  She clears her throat, "How's Beth doing?"
Jon stands there a little baffled that the kids just left like that but he knows they're with Pete and they are just fine, "She should be sleeping.  She feels like crap."  he tells his mother, still looking around for the kids.
"Is she pregnant?" Carol asks him, with a smile on her face.
"No, ma." and he stops, "I don't think so."  His attention has been diverted from looking aimlessly for his kids to the thought that Beth might be pregnant. In his mind, right now he's thinking that would be the ultimate Christmas gift - but he wasn't getting his hopes up.  After a few minutes of blank thought and undirected stares he shakes himself out of the trance that that thought put him in, "Do you guys want to walk to town with me, I need to eat too."
His parents pass, they wanted to sit on the beach and wait for Matt and Tony.  They were busy with their families and had plans to meet mom and dad on the beach. 
Jon walked along the shore, to the beginning of the market place and steps up on the dock.  As he walks along, he looks in store fronts and at what the street vendors were selling - taking his time with no real destination in mind.  The farther he walks from the water, the closer he gets to the food and more people.  It's then he decides to put his sunglasses on, as to not be recognized.  In disguise he walks up the street, keeping his eyes open for the kids and Pete.
A couple blocks later, he can see Stephanie and Jesse crossing the street, alone.  Watching them cross, he looks back at where they came from.  On the corner, he can see Pete, Jake, Romeo and Dorothea.  His pace quickens and his blood boils.  When he gets to Lupetta he asks, "What the hell is going on here?" 
Pete turns around and looks like she had seen a ghost.  Jon gave her no time to respond.  "Get my children back to the hotel, right now!!" pointing in the direction of the hotel.  Dorothea stands there with a look of terror on her face, not seeing Jon THIS pissed in a very long time.


  1. What in the hell is Dorothea doing there? Sure hope Pete has a good reason for Dot being there.
